Conditions of Use
The use of the pages in the CLAAS Supplier.Net portal is not public and is only aimed at authorised CLAAS suppliers who have received prior written permission to use the materials (texts, images, logos, animations, videos, sounds and graphics) made available in this portal.
By accessing the pages in this portal, the user accepts these additional Terms of Use and declares that these Terms of Use shall be legally binding for the user. Access authorisation shall be retracted as soon as the underlying contractual relationship has been terminated or ended in any other way.
The CLAAS Supplier.Net pages have been put together with the greatest possible care. CLAAS shall provide no guarantee that the information provided on CLAAS websites is correct, accurate or error-free. Furthermore, any liability for loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the pages shall be excluded. CLAAS shall reserve the right to make changes to CLAAS websites in terms of content or format, or to cease operating them, at any time.
If CLAAS websites contain links to other providers, this solely serves to increase user-friendliness. However, no liability shall be assumed for the content of these pages. Links to third parties shall not constitute a reference to or approval of these pages or to/of the services offered and information provided there. The user shall bear sole responsibility for the use of the links.
CLAAS KGaA mbH shall reserve all rights to the texts, images, logos, animations, videos, sounds and graphics used, as well as to the way in which they are arranged on the websites. They are subject to copyright or other IP rights.
Note that general legislation shall apply. Any violations of the law shall be reported and pursued in civil proceedings.